1. light candle and burn incense if you wish 2. relax and think in your mind about sexual intercourse 3. put some oil on your body, slowly rub oil on [think about sexual intercourse) 4. feel yourself use your hands and feel your body Cthink about sexual intercourse] 5. move your body around the room [think about sexua intercourse 6. keep thinking about sexual intercourse 7. get in bed stop think about sexual intercourse 8. Say in your mind: 1 want a incubus in my dream, I want a incubus and I will remember my dream 9. try to repeat #8 and think about having sexual intercourse at the same time I will write other spell/ritual called Incubus [SexFriendl [BloodMatej [SoulMate] [Lust Matej LoveMatej Incubus SexFriend: This will make you both get closer. Lust Mate: Incubus LoveMate: Incubus BloodMate: Incubus SoulMate: