The present study supported the hypothesis that legume flours are useful ingredients for the nutritional improvement of gluten free products. Using a new white-seeded low phytic acid and lectin free bean flour in gluten free rice spaghetti increases protein, ash, dietary fibre and resistant starch contents, while it lowers the total starch and the in vitro glycemic index. With respect to the control spaghetti, this addition increases the optimal cooking time as well as the water absorption capacity, without affecting cooking loss and texture properties. However, the colour of spaghetti was influenced by bean addition. The consumption of gluten free spaghetti formulated with bean flour can have positive implications for human health, due to their increased nutritional quality and favourably higher resistant starch content and lower in vitro predicted glycemic index compared to 100% rice counterparts. Despite the selected bean cultivar could represent a valuable resource for gluten free product manufacturing, low amounts of seeds are currently available. This makes not suitable a complete sensory study on the bean-enriched gluten-free spaghetti, thus deserving future investigations.