Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Sport is processing below actions;
1. Support students, teachers and staffs’ work for above cooperation- activities as missions of both parties
2. Support to organize activities like; junior guide in school which are trained by Ministry of Tourism and Sport to provide information about ecotourism for local residents and able to participate in activities.
3. Support to set up the training on tourism information and activities, public relations, and ecotourism for teachers and school staffs
4. Support and participate in tourism activities in every school level and types of tourism
5. Support public relations and data collecting in every school level, and kinds about the ecotourism and conservative tourism
6. Support the corporation in working hour of tourism campaign for short program and long program for every types and level of schools.
7. Support human resource development for sport, recreation, exercising, along to others parts like education, and ministry office to have knowledge , being capable , understand and experience with sports , recreationals and exercising activities by provide training in sport techniques, rules and regulations in sport games, recreation and exercising until those people can perform as sport leader and entertainer.
8. Support sports, recreation and exercising activities in school and education association office, so they can have knowledge, understanding and skills on sport
9. Support those talented person (Sport elite) by Ministry of Tourism and Sport provide the privilege for those talented athletes to study in sport schools, physical education colleges by Ministry of Tourism and Sport
10. Support private sport center to organize sport activities in every school level by leading famous athletes attend the competition activities