Ms.Menart Nanthakwang, the designer and owner of Soda brand, which has gained popularity for over 30 years, shares with us the beginning of the legendary brand. “In early days, Soda sold only t-shirts on consignment basis. The feedback was very positive so, I decided to open my own store at Siam Center in 1980 and the brand focused only on t-shirts. Many thought it was such a daring move to open a store that sold only t-shirts. It turned out that the shop reached the break-even point on the first month it opened. Customers crowded in front of shop like it sold bakery and not t-shirts” From that moment until now, Soda has become one of the leading Thai designer brands and still opens its shop to greet fashionistas on the 3rd floor of Siam Center, where all the success began.