a connection to the societal needs of placing more demand on the worker. Technology is
evolving so rapidly, that the need for fast thinking and adaptable people is more necessary. The
ability to apply problem-solving skills makes for a valuable employee. The importance of
making connections and of the ability to problem solve is based in school and societal contexts.
I think that the importance and desire to change how I teach mathematics has grown from
the connection that I have made between mathematics and life. I find it truly fascinating and
mind-boggling how many possibilities that one encounters in applying problem-solving skills.
When teaching, the students appear to question (and sometimes voice) if math is important to
them. I felt if students can see an application to something that is more “real world,” and
therefore more meaningful, then the interest in investigating how mathematics is involved in
one’s life would develop. This development led the students to further investigations and selfdiscovery
of the various situations in which problem-solving strategies would apply.
To further help define my problem I considered three components. I considered the
components of the current state of my classroom, the current reforms in mathematics education,
and the ideal classroom. The first component is the state of my classroom in regards to the
problem. The current state of my classroom is a multi-grade classroom with a wide range of
abilities and motivation. Many students see the school day as a series of smaller classes that have
no relation to each other. If they see the school day in that way, they have also drawn the line
between school and home. What one learns at school is school stuff and does not apply that often
to home. Because of this idea of home vs. school that happens so often, the problem met a
second component of reform in mathematics education. The NCTM process standard of
connections relates directly to my problem of practice. The ability to recognize and apply
mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics is central to my problem. If students can see that
a connection to the societal needs of placing more demand on the worker. Technology isevolving so rapidly, that the need for fast thinking and adaptable people is more necessary. Theability to apply problem-solving skills makes for a valuable employee. The importance ofmaking connections and of the ability to problem solve is based in school and societal contexts.I think that the importance and desire to change how I teach mathematics has grown fromthe connection that I have made between mathematics and life. I find it truly fascinating andmind-boggling how many possibilities that one encounters in applying problem-solving skills.When teaching, the students appear to question (and sometimes voice) if math is important tothem. I felt if students can see an application to something that is more “real world,” andtherefore more meaningful, then the interest in investigating how mathematics is involved inone’s life would develop. This development led the students to further investigations and selfdiscoveryof the various situations in which problem-solving strategies would apply.To further help define my problem I considered three components. I considered thecomponents of the current state of my classroom, the current reforms in mathematics education,and the ideal classroom. The first component is the state of my classroom in regards to theproblem. The current state of my classroom is a multi-grade classroom with a wide range ofabilities and motivation. Many students see the school day as a series of smaller classes that haveno relation to each other. If they see the school day in that way, they have also drawn the linebetween school and home. What one learns at school is school stuff and does not apply that oftento home. Because of this idea of home vs. school that happens so often, the problem met asecond component of reform in mathematics education. The NCTM process standard ofconnections relates directly to my problem of practice. The ability to recognize and applymathematics in contexts outside of mathematics is central to my problem. If students can see that
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