Yes you have misunderstood what I was implying.
What I meant is for partners to offer our members a privilege/discount/promotion, during the month of our member’s birthday.
Hence your intention of AEON as 1 partner due to the size of their member base is not going in the right direction.
For this Birthday program, I am only looking at benefiting our own members, not attracting new members.
The attracting of new members portion will be part of the more detailed proposal (in word doc format) that I am requesting for.
In summary-
Birthday Program (following SG’s Birthday Program):
- Benefits our existing members only. (TF/TS/TE)
- Min of 2 partners to provide benefits/discounts/promotions to our members during the month of their birthday
- benefits/discounts/promotions to last till the end of 2016
Birthday Program to attract sales (TS/TE):
- Based on what you have proposed in the marketing plan
- Need more details in terms of costs vs price etc.
- For both existing and potential customers