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The Country's Army
Each country in the MarketGlory community has an army, formed by the members of the organizations that hold at least one territory. For their efforts in capturing and defending the territory, the members of the organization that holds at least one territory will receive a bonus of 25% from the Government for working, for the referral fights and for the referral bonus. The users that use the Digipass but are not part of the Army, will receive the +25% only for the referral bonus.
In the Organizations menu you have available a new section with the members of your country's army, the organizations that hold at least 1 territory. The list is ordered according to the members military rank, from the highest to the lowest rank.
We remind you that besides this bonus, for owning a territory you also received the daily Gold bonus, that is currently 14 Gold, but also the Territory Productivity bonus.
Today we will also implement a series of changes concerning the Government. Thus, from all earnings of your country's government, 20% will be transferred to the government of the country holding the territory. This transfer will be made daily, and could bring the Government's finances on minus. In order to prevent that, only the Euro, Gold and Local currency earnings will be taken into consideration, the rest of the coins not being influenced by this 20% transfer. This tax to the Government of the country holding the territory, will be active only for the territories won after the modification is made.
In the homepage, the Government funds section, the total value of the Governments assets will not be displayed anymore, but the Government's incomes in the last 30 days. Also, in the Government/Statistics menu a separate section with the incomes from conquered territories will be available