As the diamond pattern, this pattern can be obtained by a repetition of reverse folds. Instead of
mirroring the reverse folds they are repeated in line so that the main crease describes a zigzag line.
Therefore the folded pattern has a characteristic zigzag corrugation in two directions. This allows
extending and retracting the pattern in both directions. Miura [5] used this capacity to build solar
sails for satellites that could be packed in very compact way and once unfolded, have maximum
extension. The pattern is composed of symmetric trapezoids that form a herringbone tessellation.
The legs of the trapezoids (non parallel sides) are inclined in the same direction. In general the
zigzag line of the main fold follows a curve. This is due to the difference of inclination of the legs.
If the legs are parallel so that the trapezoid forms a rhomboid, the zigzag line extension of the
manifold is straight. If on of the bases (parallel sides) of the trapezoid is reduced to zero the pattern
is composed of symmetrical triangle that form a dart. This is only possible when the legs of the
trapezoid are not parallel.