The current beauty ideal in Asia , such as having fair skin, was ingrained into Asian society for a very long time. Whiteness has been part of Asian skin whitening has a tradition that stretches back centuries and a fair complexion has been historically valued in Asian societies as it serves as an indicator of your social class. when a person is fair, most other (physical) flaws can be overlooked” Porcelain-pale complexion is the most coveted of all physical traits for Asian women.
In the ancient times, only the daughters and wives of the wealthy and politically powerful could afford to stay indoors. pale skin was such a privilege, in order to pursuit fairness, women in the past have invented hundreds of methods and products, ranging from washing the face with rice water or even smearing bird droppings on the face.
Southeast Asian women were classified in the lower rank when compared to Northern Asian women, This obsession and worship over white skin in Asian societies has been delivered was passed from generations to generations till today.
Pond’s is a cosmetic brand that has been around for years and has become the household name in India. one of their advertisements for a skin-lightening cream has fuelled a debate in India over why fairer skin should be considered more beautiful. In the story line the girl is rejected by the male because she has a very dark complexion. After using the product within 4-5 weeks she becomes fair and the guy regrets for mistreating her and this commercial promoted the idea that if a person bleaches her skins, she would have more opportunities to be happy, beautiful, successful and loved.