Self – Introductions
Self – Introductions
- Let me introduce myself. I’m...........................
- May I introduce myself? My name’s ..............
- How do you do? My name ‘s ..........................
- Good to meet you. I’m ....................................
- Hello. I don’t think we know each other.
My name‘s....................................................
- It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name’s .............
- It’s nice to meet you. I’m ..................................
- Glad to meet you. I’m .......................................
- It’s nice meeting you. My name’s ....................
- It was very good to meet you.
- Please to meet you.
- How do you do?
-It’s been great seeing you. My name‘s............
Saying Goodbye and Responses
Self – Introductions
- It was nice talking to you.
- I’ve really enjoyed talking to you.
- I’ve enjoyed talking to you.
- I’ve enjoyed seeing you.
- I’d better be going.
- Well, it’s getting pretty late.
- It’s been wonderful seeing you again.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye for now.
- See you around.
- So long.
- Let’s get together again.
- Please drop me a line (Please write me a letter.)
- I hope we’ll meet again.
- Take care.
- Have a nice day.
- Have a pleasant weekend.
- Have a nice working day.
- Have fun.
- Have a good time.
- All right. Bye now.