Section 10 — Restrictions relating to the meeting place
(1) If several public meetings are notified to be arranged in the same place at the
same time, and their simultaneous arrangement is not possible, the arranger
who first submitted the notification shall have precedence, unless the meeting
place is traditionally or contractually to be used for another meeting. In this
event, the police may, after having negotiated with the contact persons, move the
other meetings to be held at another time or to another place suitable in view of
the purpose of the meeting.
(2) If the arrangement of a public meeting in the notified place will compromise the
safety of people, cause considerable damage to the environment or damage to
property, cause unreasonable inconvenience to bystanders, traffic or an event
pertaining to an international conference arranged by a public corporation or
another event requiring similar security arrangements, the police may, after
having negotiated with the contact person, move the meeting to another place
suitable in view of the purpose of the meeting.
(3) In addition, where the flow of the traffic so requires and after having negotiated
with the contact person, the police may order the route of a procession to be
altered so that the purpose of the procession is nevertheless not compromised by
way of the route alteration.
(4) The police may undertake the measures referred to in this section without
negotiating with the contact person, if the contact person cannot be reached.