The people of Ireland for the most part are just a joy to be around. Especially out in the countryside. You’d be hard pressed to find friendlier reception from strangers anywhere in the world than you would in Ireland. They’ll buy you a drink if you promise to buy one for the next traveler that comes to your hometown. They’ll ask where you’re from and how you like it on their island. They’ll laugh as you try to pronounce the Gaelic words written everywhere, then teach you how to say them . They’ll drink with you, laugh with you, tell you their life story, did I mention they’ll drink with you? But seriously, there’s plenty of stories of people coming to Ireland to trace their lineage, finding a family related to them, and those people welcoming them with open arms, proclaiming them as family. If you find them, they’ll clink glasses with you, offer up a slàinte and tell you about your collective family.