Good night Yuva.
I guess we can agree on who would do what under a common household. Especially since I have
a complete dislike of dusting over the rest of the house. We may have to consult on the cooking
and cleaning in the kitchen. I feel like the cook gets to skip clean up. Just doesn't seem fair to have
to cook and clean. What do you think?
Why would Mac need to lose weight. He is already skinny as a rail. Granted my comment comes
from the pictures I have seen, but he looks very thin already and no place where he could afford
to drop any weight without the loss of muscle strength. Or maybe I am just being to critical. Who
am I to say about how Mac feels about his weight. But I still think he doesn't need to drop anymore
Wow! Hard to believe it has been a year since we met. I really do feel bad for not catching this.
Certainly will not happen again. I usually do not choke important dates. I usually choke things like
names, what I said two hours ago and of course things we should not talk about.
An Australian tourist was mauled (news agency term, not mine) by a tiger at the Tiger Kingdom.
Most likely late yesterday. Witnesses said the victim went inside an area where people can go pet
tigers and take pictures with them. I understand the attraction. Tigers are my number one favorite cat.
But even I understand while I like them the most, they are wild in nature and you can never be 100%
sure they will not decide to make you lunch for some reason. So while it may be cute to have your
picture taken with a tiger, it really is a buyer beware scenario. I am not exactly sure I would want to
stick my hand in an area where a tiger can take your arm off in an instant. But I still like them!
I knew the parents arriving would start to generate more news about the murders. Here is an excerpt
of the article, "Two Myanmar men accused of killing two British backpackers on a Thai holiday
island have retracted their confessions, their lawyers said on Wednesday, adding further confusion
to an investigation that has attracted widespread criticism". So we'll see how much traction this gets.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think of you always!
Hugs & Kisses