The moment his laughter ended, Yun Che’s expression suddenly turned stone-cold. Taking a step forward, with a hawk-like gaze, he pointed towards the Patriarchs of the seven great families, and his voice thundered, “A hundred years ago, when the former Demon Emperor fell into the Sky Profound Continent, my grandfather stepped forward to save him without the slightest of hesitation… Then what about you people?! Where were you people? Why were the ones who disregarded their fears of death, who risked their lives to save the former Demon Emperor, my grandfather and our Yun Family?! Why was it not your so-called families who are ‘completely loyal, and for the sake of the Demon Emperor, wouldn’t even fear death’!!”
“At that time, where were you people?! And where was your so-called ‘loyalty’?!”
Yun Che’s furious interrogation rendered all these Patriarchs, who were giving various eloquent speeches earlier, utterly speechless.