Endemic fluorosis is a chronic fluorine intoxication found in certain parts of the
world where there is excessive fluorine in the water and soil. It affects the teeth and
skeleton, and secondarily the nervous system (Siddiqui 1955; Jolly, Singh and Singh 1961;
Singh, Jolly and Bansal 1961 ; Singh and Jolly 1961). The skeletal changes in experimental
and industrial fluorosis are well recognised (Roholm 1937), but the skeletal changes in endemic
fluorosis are not fully known outside India. We have recently had the unique opportunity
of studying a complete fluorotic skeleton of an individual from an area of the Punjab, where
the fluorine content of water is very high-up to fourteen parts per million. This paper will
describe briefly the changes in the skeleton found at necropsy and the alterations in the
relevant anthropometric measurements which accounted for the neurological