As the time passes by, more and more people surf through the Internet using mobile devices compared to a desktop computer. Recently, mobile device and computer screen designers have been trying to provide users with qualified web-browsing but this hasn’t been able to afford adequately users’ needs that are exposed to traditional website layouts. Therefore, there is a need to switch to Responsive Web Design which is capable of reshaping itself depending on various screen sizes and resolutions from largest screen sizes to smallest on mobile devices. Thus, the users will be exposed to the best experience with content visual display on the device or platform that they are viewing it on. This is more significant when users are studying on instructional web-sites and pages not to decrease their concentration, motivation and performance on their study since the responsive web design automatically change page layout, resize the images or crop them proportionally. In the paper, the authors will inform the audience on Responsive Web Design by indicating an educational web-site as a sample and discuss about its features.