Then is it Tatsuya’s opinion that till the bitter end, it was an act done
by humans and not by occult means?"
"What about you, Mikihiko? Do you think that Youkai or demons,
those sort of beings are involved?"
He struck back at Mikihiko’s question with the content’s same
Mikihiko chimed "Hmm...", shaking his head back and forth.
"…I can’t think that this is the work of a mere human, but I can't make
an assertion…"
To the awkward answer of Mikihiko, Tatsuya revealed a nasty smile.
"Speaking of the occult, until just 100 years ago, magic was the prime
example of the occult."
Erika promptly leaned forward in excitement.
"Does Tatsuya-kun think that this crime is related to magicians?"
"I haven’t clearly thought about it till that point. Neither the street
cameras nor the Psion radars that were installed captured any
Soon after having finished saying so, Tatsuya, as he has reconsidered,
shook his head.
"…However, if it is a high ranked magician, he could trick the radars,
and if it is a practitioner able to use a Mental Interference External
Systematic Magic, he could also commit the crime in the center of the
city without anyone noticing."
"It's unpleasant. It’s good that the Humanism trend doesn’t become
Mizuki muttered in a gloomy voice.
The current age’s "Humanism", flatly speaking, is a kind of antimagician
It’s a movement that attempts to ban the use of magic, saying that
"Magic is not a power permitted to humans," which is the essence of
the cult ideology for a sub-sect of Christianity.
The assertion "Humans should live with only the power accorded to
humans," or perhaps one should say from the public stance named
"Humanism", is a party which has been expanding their influence in
recent years in the central east coast of America.
If it’s just "stop using magic", then there is no particular harm (many
people would agree), but radical elements of Humanism conducted
violent acts aimed at the rejection of the very existence of magicians.
Even in the USNA they receive their own authorities’ surveillance as a
form of anti-crime reserve troops (A violent action, USNA always
monitored organizations).
"Now that you mention it, I saw those sheep clamoring for that on the
"Morning, what are you talking about?"
Interrupting Erika’s speech as usual, in the seat in front of Tatsuya —
it’s obvious that from the beginning, there was no "homeroom
teacher" who would propose a seat change — was Leo.
Then is it Tatsuya’s opinion that till the bitter end, it was an act doneby humans and not by occult means?""What about you, Mikihiko? Do you think that Youkai or demons,those sort of beings are involved?"He struck back at Mikihiko’s question with the content’s samequestion.Mikihiko chimed "Hmm...", shaking his head back and forth."…I can’t think that this is the work of a mere human, but I can't makean assertion…"To the awkward answer of Mikihiko, Tatsuya revealed a nasty smile."Speaking of the occult, until just 100 years ago, magic was the primeexample of the occult."Erika promptly leaned forward in excitement."Does Tatsuya-kun think that this crime is related to magicians?""I haven’t clearly thought about it till that point. Neither the streetcameras nor the Psion radars that were installed captured anyreactions."Soon after having finished saying so, Tatsuya, as he has reconsidered,shook his head."…However, if it is a high ranked magician, he could trick the radars,and if it is a practitioner able to use a Mental Interference ExternalSystematic Magic, he could also commit the crime in the center of thecity without anyone noticing.""It's unpleasant. It’s good that the Humanism trend doesn’t becomestronger."Mizuki muttered in a gloomy voice.The current age’s "Humanism", flatly speaking, is a kind of antimagicianmovement.It’s a movement that attempts to ban the use of magic, saying that"Magic is not a power permitted to humans," which is the essence of
the cult ideology for a sub-sect of Christianity.
The assertion "Humans should live with only the power accorded to
humans," or perhaps one should say from the public stance named
"Humanism", is a party which has been expanding their influence in
recent years in the central east coast of America.
If it’s just "stop using magic", then there is no particular harm (many
people would agree), but radical elements of Humanism conducted
violent acts aimed at the rejection of the very existence of magicians.
Even in the USNA they receive their own authorities’ surveillance as a
form of anti-crime reserve troops (A violent action, USNA always
monitored organizations).
"Now that you mention it, I saw those sheep clamoring for that on the
"Morning, what are you talking about?"
Interrupting Erika’s speech as usual, in the seat in front of Tatsuya —
it’s obvious that from the beginning, there was no "homeroom
teacher" who would propose a seat change — was Leo.
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