Looks that such as meteor general Immortal Sword Sect sovereign pounds down from the upper air, that desperate calling out in alarm turns into the most wonderful sound in the Qing Shui ear.
Lowers the head to have a look in the hand the Soul Shocking Bell feeling of satisfaction not saying a word table, the profile saw that near at hand Cānghǎi Míngyuè that beautiful shakes the appearance of this world, at this time her been in a daze looks at itself.
Qing Shui from that pair of jet black profound beautiful pupil can see the own clear image, dense jet black such as command Qing Shui of rush-leaf fan long eyelash beautiful is out of sorts generally.
By feels one in Cānghǎi Míngyuè Qing Shui soft and elasticity, although the ache wants the crack but to have a comfortable feeling.
This is the pain is also being joyful!
Has a look around Huoyun Liuli, she has one type the self-confidence of regarding Qing Shui not having the reason, at this time bright looks at Qing Shui to smile, that [say / way] striking scar instead has a strange charm not to affect her beauty in the Qing Shui eye at this time.
Saw look that the Qing Shui burning hot the vision and not minces, that has desire - the look that looks, Huoyun Liuli sees the Qing Shui look , is happy, so long as Qing Shui likes itself, how even if in she not to care in others eyes.
„We now what to do? Goes to Heavenly Palace?” Cānghǎi Míngyuè holds Qing Shui to sit down to say slowly.
„Does not return, first looked for the place rest to heal from a wound, waits to go back Immortal Sword Sect to eradicate, Heavenly Palace temporarily first do not go.” Qing Shui thinks saying that compelling so to be distressed, does not take the opposite party to operate several blades really not to do right by itself.
„Qing Shui, although Immortal Sword Sect ended, may have He Huan Sect and imperial beastly aristocratic family, drooled the Immortal Sword Sect person to be many, you said that we did go back also to slice again?” Cānghǎi Míngyuè black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed looks at the distant place.
Qing Shui is startled then looks to Cānghǎi Míngyuè, Qing Shui felt that she was forces from the sadness at this moment, the thought was to also become agile, felt the Qing Shui vision a little flurriedly she restless looks at the surroundings.
Qing Shui added on that beautiful appearance to attract by her adorable petty action!
„Originally our Yue Yue also has such adorable time, I also think that forever is that looking disdainfully world to anything is the goddesses of not sparing a glance.” After Qing Shui is startled, ha-ha said.
Cānghǎi Míngyuè blushes red does not look at Qing Shui, after a while spookily said: „Qing Shui, I want to go to home to have a look, constructs a grave for the parents.”
She thinks corpse also nobody who mother receives, although she knows that now cannot go back, may think these on grieved is unable to breathe.
On this day although she expects, may occur makes her be caught off guard, the father final skeleton not saves, but the father goes with a smile, killed the old blind person he to be content.
Qing Shui had a look at the day to shine, at this time sky over a mountain range, Qing Shui is making fire bird find a place to fall, old blind person and Immortal Sword Sect sovereign, since died, Immortal Sword Sect could not suffice to threaten regarding Qing Shui, has fire bird to escape or not have any issue.
„We rest first, making my vigor I accompany you to be good slowly?” Qing Shui wants to find a place to go to Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal to pass half a month, under restores to injure.
Cānghǎi Míngyuè deep looked at Qing Shui one to shake the head, in the eye full was the teardrops: „It is not good, I go back, you, I did not want you to take risk for me like this again.”
At this time Qing Shui lets fire bird in a platform that in a covert cliff stretches out falls, because Qing Shui discovered that has this Yamato and trees of cover.
„Your parents gave me you, how could I made that you alone take risk.” Qing Shui said gently.
Cānghǎi Míngyuè hears in the words heart of Qing Shui is actually one cool, cannot bear thinks that he complies with a parents' desire or completes a parents' last wish.
The bitter and astringent smiling face flickers to pass, then turns toward Qing Shui to smile: „Thank you!”
Qing Shui had not discovered that change of Cānghǎi Míngyuè, Qing Shui is almost holds fire bird to carry on the back by Cānghǎi Míngyuè, periphery Qing Shui makes fire bird admonish.