Activity: Mapping the Digestive System
12” x 24” piece of cardstock
Pen or Pencil
3 small cotton balls
1 small green balloon
1 brown coffee filter,
cone-shaped, #4
1 plastic bag, non-Ziploc
1 C-shaped piece of pink paper
1 piece of pink yarn—6”
1 piece of brown yarn—96”
1 piece of green yarn—26”
Students should
be able to:
Identify 10 of the parts
of the digestive system
Explain the function of each of
the parts of the digestive system
Life Sciences - Prior Module 3 High School Page 2
What to do:
1. The “C” represents the mouth. Place the “C” on the top of the board with the
opening facing the left side.
2. The pink piece of yarn represents the esophagus. Place the yarn in the middle
of the closed part of the “C” and have it head back towards the right side of the
board then bend the yarn so it runs down towards the bottom of the board.
3. The plastic sandwich bag represents the stomach. Fold the plastic bag so it
is a rounded sack that is approximately 6” long and 2 ½” wide. Place the
stomach on the board at an angle with the narrow ends of the bag pointing
towards the top right side and the bottom left side of the board. Tuc