I declare that the information given on this form whether input by myself, input on my behalf by a third party or automatically pre-populated is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that the photograph submitted with this form is a true likeness of me. I confirm that if, before this application is decided, there is a material change in my circumstances or new information relevant to this application becomes available, I will inform the United Kingdom diplomatic mission handling my application.
I understand that all information provided by me will be processed by the Home Office in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I am aware that the Home Office is the data controller in relation to the information provided by me in this application form. I am aware that the information I provide, including biometric data, will be treated in confidence, but it may be disclosed to other government departments, agencies, local authorities, foreign governments, and other bodies, to enable the Home Office or those bodies to perform their functions. Any disclosures will be in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I also understand that the information provided by me may also be used for staff training purposes.
I declare that the documents that I have supplied with this application are genuine and the statements I have made with this application are truthful. I understand that the Home Office (or a trusted third party) may make reasonable checks to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of evidence I have provided and documents I have submitted with this application. I further understand that the Home Office (or a trusted third party) may also make reasonable checks on any sponsors to my application to verify statements contained in the application and establish that I will comply or have complied with the terms of any visa granted.
I understand that UK entry clearance applications may be handled by British Missions in other locations, including outside the country in which I have applied for entry clearance and that this may involve the transferring of my application and supporting documents to and from another Mission. I understand that the Home Office will be responsible for transferring my application and supporting documents safely. I understand in these circumstances my application will still be handled in line with Home Office published customer service standards.
I understand that the fee payable is for an application processing and entry clearance decision-making service, not for the guaranteed delivery of a visa, therefore I will not be entitled to a refund should my application for entry to the UK or Commonwealth and Overseas Territories be refused or granted for a shorter time period than I applied for. I also understand that my visa application fee will be refunded only if the application is withdrawn in writing within 3 months and 7 days of the original date of application and prior to the submission of biometric data or any processing taking place.
I also understand that the information provided by me, or information made available to the Home Office during the processing of my application, may be shared with my sponsor(s) or any person(s) acting on their behalf or any applicant linked to my application (for example to my spouse / partner if we apply for visas for a trip together) for the sole purpose of considering my application. I am aware that if there is any information I do not want you to disclose to them I will tell you by enclosing a letter with my supporting documentation. If such requests prevent you from making legitimate inquiries, my application may be refused.
I am also aware that my application will be automatically refused and I may be banned from going to the UK for 10 years if I use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information. I may also be banned if I have breached immigration laws in the UK. I am further aware that should I use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information my details may be passed to law enforcement agencies.
I understand that I may be required to provide a record of my fingerprints and a photograph of my face (“biometric data”) as part of my application. If I refuse to do so, my application may be treated as invalid and, if so, will not be considered further. (See Statutory Instrument 2006 No 1743 - The Immigration (Provision of Physical Data) Regulations 2006, Regulation 7(1)).
I am aware that I may be billed for any NHS medical treatment undertaken in the UK and that I do not have recourse to public funds during my stay in the UK.
I understand that if I fail to pay NHS debts incurred by me this could adversely affect future entry clearance applications I make.
I understand that my details may, in certain circumstances, be passed to fraud prevention agencies to prevent and detect fraud and money laundering. I also understand that such agencies may provide the Home Office with information about me. Further details explaining when information may be passed to or from fraud prevention agencies and how that information may be used can be obtained from the Home Office website.
I am aware that it is an offence under the Immigration Act 1971 (as amended) to make a statement which I know to be false, or not believe to be true, in order to obtain a visa/entry clearance to the UK.
I hereby apply for a visa/entry clearance to the United Kingdom.
Information for sponsors
Personal information which is provided about a person acting in support of an application, including any documentary evidence provided by or about them, will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 by the Home Office, which is the data controller in relation to the information provided.
The Home Office will use this information to make decisions about the application and to prevent and detect fraud. We may share this information with other government departments or agencies, local and public authorities, foreign governments, companies (including financial and utility companies), employers or other bodies in order to make reasonable checks to verify the information provided in the application and confirm that sponsors have or will comply with the terms of any visa which may be or have been granted. Any information received by the Home Office about a sponsor may be used in reaching a decision on the application. Full details of the way in which the data may be processed can be found on the Home Office website at http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/
I confirm that, where I have a sponsor, I have informed my sponsor of the information set out above and my sponsor has confirmed that they consent to me providing the information about them which is set out in this application.
I declare that the information given on this form whether input by myself, input on my behalf by a third party or automatically pre-populated is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that the photograph submitted with this form is a true likeness of me. I confirm that if, before this application is decided, there is a material change in my circumstances or new information relevant to this application becomes available, I will inform the United Kingdom diplomatic mission handling my application.
I understand that all information provided by me will be processed by the Home Office in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I am aware that the Home Office is the data controller in relation to the information provided by me in this application form. I am aware that the information I provide, including biometric data, will be treated in confidence, but it may be disclosed to other government departments, agencies, local authorities, foreign governments, and other bodies, to enable the Home Office or those bodies to perform their functions. Any disclosures will be in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I also understand that the information provided by me may also be used for staff training purposes.
I declare that the documents that I have supplied with this application are genuine and the statements I have made with this application are truthful. I understand that the Home Office (or a trusted third party) may make reasonable checks to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of evidence I have provided and documents I have submitted with this application. I further understand that the Home Office (or a trusted third party) may also make reasonable checks on any sponsors to my application to verify statements contained in the application and establish that I will comply or have complied with the terms of any visa granted.
I understand that UK entry clearance applications may be handled by British Missions in other locations, including outside the country in which I have applied for entry clearance and that this may involve the transferring of my application and supporting documents to and from another Mission. I understand that the Home Office will be responsible for transferring my application and supporting documents safely. I understand in these circumstances my application will still be handled in line with Home Office published customer service standards.
I understand that the fee payable is for an application processing and entry clearance decision-making service, not for the guaranteed delivery of a visa, therefore I will not be entitled to a refund should my application for entry to the UK or Commonwealth and Overseas Territories be refused or granted for a shorter time period than I applied for. I also understand that my visa application fee will be refunded only if the application is withdrawn in writing within 3 months and 7 days of the original date of application and prior to the submission of biometric data or any processing taking place.
I also understand that the information provided by me, or information made available to the Home Office during the processing of my application, may be shared with my sponsor(s) or any person(s) acting on their behalf or any applicant linked to my application (for example to my spouse / partner if we apply for visas for a trip together) for the sole purpose of considering my application. I am aware that if there is any information I do not want you to disclose to them I will tell you by enclosing a letter with my supporting documentation. If such requests prevent you from making legitimate inquiries, my application may be refused.
I am also aware that my application will be automatically refused and I may be banned from going to the UK for 10 years if I use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information. I may also be banned if I have breached immigration laws in the UK. I am further aware that should I use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information my details may be passed to law enforcement agencies.
I understand that I may be required to provide a record of my fingerprints and a photograph of my face (“biometric data”) as part of my application. If I refuse to do so, my application may be treated as invalid and, if so, will not be considered further. (See Statutory Instrument 2006 No 1743 - The Immigration (Provision of Physical Data) Regulations 2006, Regulation 7(1)).
I am aware that I may be billed for any NHS medical treatment undertaken in the UK and that I do not have recourse to public funds during my stay in the UK.
I understand that if I fail to pay NHS debts incurred by me this could adversely affect future entry clearance applications I make.
I understand that my details may, in certain circumstances, be passed to fraud prevention agencies to prevent and detect fraud and money laundering. I also understand that such agencies may provide the Home Office with information about me. Further details explaining when information may be passed to or from fraud prevention agencies and how that information may be used can be obtained from the Home Office website.
I am aware that it is an offence under the Immigration Act 1971 (as amended) to make a statement which I know to be false, or not believe to be true, in order to obtain a visa/entry clearance to the UK.
I hereby apply for a visa/entry clearance to the United Kingdom.
Information for sponsors
Personal information which is provided about a person acting in support of an application, including any documentary evidence provided by or about them, will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 by the Home Office, which is the data controller in relation to the information provided.
The Home Office will use this information to make decisions about the application and to prevent and detect fraud. We may share this information with other government departments or agencies, local and public authorities, foreign governments, companies (including financial and utility companies), employers or other bodies in order to make reasonable checks to verify the information provided in the application and confirm that sponsors have or will comply with the terms of any visa which may be or have been granted. Any information received by the Home Office about a sponsor may be used in reaching a decision on the application. Full details of the way in which the data may be processed can be found on the Home Office website at http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/
I confirm that, where I have a sponsor, I have informed my sponsor of the information set out above and my sponsor has confirmed that they consent to me providing the information about them which is set out in this application.
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