Day 81
MC's pawns leveled up as a result of the battle.
A hob gob became a cleric (reads halfsaint/halfholy light lord)
Another became a ghoul.
Another became a dodomeki (a youkai from japanese folklore)
5 hobgob became ogres
6 kobold evolved into footmen, the leader went from footman to samurai.
Equipment was given out.
The slave troops were given a choice, about half decided to leave. MC gave them food, tools
and travel expenses for their work. ~50 decided to join since they've no where to go back to.
The newbs
3 lords
5 halflords
4 draconians/humanoid dragons (draconian troops from DnD/dragonlance (reads as
6 halfdraconians
10 ogres
1 Troll
5 lizardmen
5 Dwarves
1 Dullahan
3 apemen
1 halfvamp
3 redcaps (murderous gnomes)
2 tigermen (tiger version of the khajit from skyrim)
1 centaur
There's going to be a powershift within the army, but he's sending the newbies for training,
they rank lower than the gobs.
14 of them weren't happy and they want to be leader instead, so he just took them on.
Knocked out 2 lords, 4 dragonnewts, subspecies thunder dragon newts cause of their abilities
(element), Apeman sent MC flying with an ambush, proclaim he's the new boss. That's until
MC did the exact move the apeman did. Halfvamp had high vitality, so it took a beating from
MC after failing to charm him (cause they are both dudes). MC gave him some of his blood to
cure him. Remember that special potion the chief elf gave him (but refused to give to the
greedy humans, which started the war)? Remember how MC absorbed that power, yeah, its
power was also in his blood. So halfvamp is completely enamoured with MC. Needless to
say, Seiji was busy that day (the cleric).
The newcomers wore the slavery cuffs and began at the bottom of the army.
The dwarves were tasked with blacksmithing.