Mickey, My Dearest,
I'm glad that it's Friday. I have so much to do on Saturday. The weather has finally improved enough to get outside.
Mickey, let me know what you think about the message from yesterday.
I am always impressed at how well you address every point in my messages.
Mickey, tell me about your religion. I respect all religions. I have had friends from many different religions. I hope that we have many interesting conversations about our religions.
I'm sorry that you have been so busy.
My feelings for you continue to grow each day. I think of you so much.
Mickey, I appreciate you telling me that I can ask you anything. And at the same time, I sometimes find it difficult.
You seem so expressive in your pictures. I hope that in person, you are equally expressive or even more so. Mickey, it is important to me that you feel comfortable enough to be yourself, the real you. I want you to feel free to say anything. We should always be able to talk to each other about anything.
Do you have any games that you enjoy playing? What about Annie and Minnie.
Are there any card games that you like?
Do you know how to play chess? I have not played in many many years?
Do you like to play pool?
You may not know how to swim but I think that we will go to the beach from time to time as well as a Water Park and pool. I think that you would look great in a bikini. There is a huge water park in Texas, actually a few of them. Do not worry, you do not need to know how to swim to have fun.
I should go to bed now. I need to get up early to do a few things.
Good night.
With love,
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