Extended Abstract
Usually, data mining is considered as the nontrivial
extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and
potentially useful information from data. In our
data-driven data mining model, knowledge is
originally existed in data, but just not understandable
for human. Data mining is taken as a process of
transforming knowledge from data format into some
other human understandable format like rule, formula,
theorem, etc. In order to keep the knowledge
unchanged in a data mining process, the knowledge
properties should be kept unchanged during a
knowledge transformation process.
Many real world data mining tasks are highly
constraint-based and domain-oriented. Thus, domain
prior knowledge should also be a knowledge source
for data mining. The control of a user to a data mining
process could also be taken as a kind of dynamic input
of the data mining process. Thus, a data mining
process is not only mining knowledge from data, but
also from human. This is the key idea of Domainoriented
Data-driven Data Mining (3DM).
In the view of granular computing (GrC), a data
mining process can be considered as the
transformation of knowledge in different granularities.
Original data is a representation of knowledge in the
finest granularity. It is not understandable for human
Extended AbstractUsually, data mining is considered as the nontrivialextraction of implicit, previously unknown, andpotentially useful information from data. In ourdata-driven data mining model, knowledge isoriginally existed in data, but just not understandablefor human. Data mining is taken as a process oftransforming knowledge from data format into someother human understandable format like rule, formula,theorem, etc. In order to keep the knowledgeunchanged in a data mining process, the knowledgeproperties should be kept unchanged during aknowledge transformation process.Many real world data mining tasks are highlyconstraint-based and domain-oriented. Thus, domainprior knowledge should also be a knowledge sourcefor data mining. The control of a user to a data miningprocess could also be taken as a kind of dynamic inputof the data mining process. Thus, a data miningprocess is not only mining knowledge from data, butalso from human. This is the key idea of DomainorientedData-driven Data Mining (3DM).In the view of granular computing (GrC), a datamining process can be considered as thetransformation of knowledge in different granularities.Original data is a representation of knowledge in thefinest granularity. It is not understandable for human
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