Identify your Keystone Habit, and focus on it.
In one of my favorite books, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg outlines the importance of identifying your Keystone Habit—the habit you identify as the most important thing you can change about your life. To find out what that is for you, ask yourself, what constantly gnaws at you? Is it something you do that you want to stop, or something you don’t do and want to start? The keystone habit is different for everyone, and it may take a few sessions of deep thinking to pinpoint exactly what that habit is. Whichever habit you’re working on, pick one at a time. More than one at a time will be overwhelming and will increase your likelihood of failing to improve any habits. But don’t believe you can only change one thing about yourself; it’s actually the opposite. Working on this one Keystone Habit can have a positive ripple effect into the rest of your life as well.