7.3.20 Statistics
The statistical evaluation of the texture measuring, rate of expansion and sensory
characteristics was done by means of StatGraphics® Plus for Windows version 4.0 and
version 5.0, respectively (©
Statistical Graphics Corp.; USA). The results were
statistically analysed, using ANOVA (Multiple F-test) and Fisher`s least significant
difference (LSD) test (Multiple Range Test). Statistically significant differences were
indicated by means of a letters coding. Same letters are indicating a homogenous
group and thus, no significant difference. Different letters designate a statistically
significant difference of the results.
The arithmetic means were calculated by the Excel function =mean() or they were
taken from the Statgraphics Summary Statistics.
The standard deviation was calculated by the Excel function =Stabw() and the variation
coefficient was calculated by the Excel function =Stabw()/mean() * 100