RTNs became nervous and feared possible mistakes. When anaesthesia
was involved in a child's radiotherapy treatment, RTNs felt
that they were handing over responsibility for the child to the
anaesthetic team and could concentrate more on the technical aspects
of the procedure. Despite the fact that the treatment proceeded
more calmly when the child was anaesthetised, RTNs
sometimes felt greater concern in such situations:
“I think it can be difficult when the child receives general anaesthesia
because you don't have control, and you just sit there and are
nervous. And if the child wakes up, what can I do? That is not my
responsibility, but I feel nervous because I don't have complete control.
Normally, you do everything.” (10)
Regarding their profession, the RTNs perceived they needed to
know their limitations, take greater responsibility and develop
their skills concerning the children's care. They believed this could
be done by teaching and guiding one another but also by increasing
their knowledge of the available evidence and research.
“[In terms of] how we plan the steps and the personnel that are
involved, [we need to] have a strategy for how we care for the children.
We have that, but I think that we can do better. And that is something
that we must constantly improve; we should talk to each other about
how we do things and educate each other based on the experiences we
RTNs กลายเป็นประสาทและกลัวความผิดพลาดที่เป็นไปได้ เมื่อการระงับความรู้สึกมีส่วนร่วมในการรักษาด้วยรังสีของเด็ก RTNs รู้สึกว่าพวกเขาได้มอบความรับผิดชอบในการที่เด็กกับทีมยาชาและไม่สามารถมีสมาธิมากขึ้นในด้านเทคนิคของขั้นตอน RTNs became nervous and feared possible mistakes. When anaesthesia
was involved in a child's radiotherapy treatment, RTNs felt
that they were handing over responsibility for the child to the
anaesthetic team and could concentrate more on the technical aspects
of the procedure. Despite the fact that the treatment proceeded
more calmly when the child was anaesthetised, RTNs
sometimes felt greater concern in such situations:
“I think it can be difficult when the child receives general anaesthesia
because you don't have control, and you just sit there and are
nervous. And if the child wakes up, what can I do? That is not my
responsibility, but I feel nervous because I don't have complete control.
Normally, you do everything.” (10)
Regarding their profession, the RTNs perceived they needed to
know their limitations, take greater responsibility and develop
their skills concerning the children's care. They believed this could
be done by teaching and guiding one another but also by increasing
their knowledge of the available evidence and research.
“[In terms of] how we plan the steps and the personnel that are
involved, [we need to] have a strategy for how we care for the children.
We have that, but I think that we can do better. And that is something
that we must constantly improve; we should talk to each other about
how we do things and educate each other based on the experiences we
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