Dubrovic et al. (2011) observed high stability of strawberries’
anthocyanins after ultrasound processing. Only
4.4 % of the anthocyanins present in strawberry juice were
degraded during ultrasound application, whereas a loss of
7.1 % was observed for the thermal processing of strawberry
juice. As reported earlier, the red colour of strawberries is
due to its main anthocyanin (pelagonidin-3-glucoside),
which is not significantly affected by ultrasound processing.
Thus, the results observed by Dubrovic et al. (2011) corroborates
with the results presented herein that shows that hue
values do not change significantly. Similar results were
observed by Tiwari et al. (2010), which showed that
pelagonidin-3-glucoside was only slightly affected by ultrasound
h (hue) have decreased during the osmotic and osmosonication