1. Introduction
Various therapeutic benefits available in natural products
interest researchers to search for alternatives to combat the rising
prevalence of global antimicrobial resistance problems. Moreover,
concerns on the safety of some chemical in drugs have
prompted an increased great interest in natural additives.
Marine organisms such as algae offer unlimited source of
new agents for pharmaceutical industries. Recently, the ability of
marine algae to produce secondary metabolite has been extensively
documented [1,2]. Today, marine algae have been shown
to possess substances with therapeutic values [3,4]. Algae
extracts have been investigated, which contains antimicrobial,
cytotoxic activity, antitumour and anti-inflammatory properties
[5,6]. The antimicrobial agents obtained from marine algae such
as chlorellin derivatives, acrylin acid, halogenated aliphatic
compounds, phenolic inhibitors were observed to inhibit the
growth of microorganisms [7]. Therefore, enhanced screening
method for detection of antimicrobial activity and advanced
technology in oceanography is necessary to help in promoting
the studies in this area. The continuous research for new
antimicrobial agent from marine algae is considered an
alternative to overcome the emergence of multi-drug resistance
organisms and the higher risk of infectious diseases caused by
these organisms.
Enteromorpha intestinalis (E. intestinalis) is a marine alga and
has a wide distribution around Peninsular Malaysia. This alga
belongs to the family of Ulvaceae. E. intestinalis is often one of
the first macroalgae to colonize newly cleared surface on rocky
shores, tide pools, in estuaries, and on the hauls of ships passing
from salt water to freshwater [8]. In this communication, we report
the antibacterial activity of the preparations of methanolic crude
extract of E. intestinalis and the effect of this extract on the
alteration of MRSA cells by microscopy study.