Fishing and fowling in the marshes.Painting on plaster. Height of Ieft figure about 2 ft 2 in.(66 cm.).Mid eighteenth dynasty.In the tomb of Menna at Thebes.Fowling in the marshes.Painting on plaster.Height of figure 1 ft 9 1/2 in.(55cm.).Mid eighteenth dynasty.From the tomb of Nebamun at Thebes.British Museum,London.
The scene of the owner fishing and fowling in the marshes,found in a number of tombs,is suitably illustrated from that of Menna. Save for the little girl plucking a lotus, who is shown in profile, the figures are represented in the
usual manner, graded in size according to their importance,with the principals dupli-cated on either side of the central clump of papyrus either for symmetry or perhaps in order to show both aspects
of the body.