The vestibular system, which is located above the cochlea in the inner ear, includes three semicicular canals, resembling bony arches, which are set at different angles. Each of the semicircular canals is filled with fluid that moves in response to movesments of your head. In the canals are sensors that respond to the movement of the fluid. The function of the vestibular system include sensing the position of the head, keeping the head upringt, and maintaining balance.
Psychology is the systematic, scientific study of behaviors and mental processes.
Reperssion is the process by which the mind pushes a memory of some threatening or traumatic event deep into the unconscious. Once in the unconscious, the repressed mrmory cannot be retrieved at will and may remain thrre untill something releases it and the person remembers it.
Recall involves retrirving perviously learned infoemation without the aid of or with very few external cues.
Recognition involves identifying previously learned information with the help of external cues.
Primacy effect refers to better recall, or improvement in retention, of information presented at the beginning of a task.
Recency effect -- the end of a task.--
Primacy-recency -- the beginning and end of a task. --