Opuntias species are known as cactus pear, which includes numerous species of the opuntia genus, all of them from the Americas. Cactus opuntias (catus pear) are terrestrial cacti, showing multiple segmented stems with cylindrical, globose or flattened stem segments and spiniferous areoles, which are not restricted to ribs, but regularly arranged on the whole stem surface, partly on low tubercles and which bear spines and glochids (Switzerland, 2001). The family cactaceae are an exciting and challenging group of plants because of their varied morphology and succulence, their showy flowers, their adaptations to the environment, and their reproductive strategies. The subfamily opuntioideae is native to North and South America from Southern Canada to Patagonia. Various species are introduced in many other regions of the world such as Australia, South Africa, and Madagas- car. A number of plantations were established in the middle eighties and are increasing in number