among 184 preterm infants divided into G1 (500 to 990g; n=63) and
G2 (1000 to 1499g; n=121), 169 received PN (G1=63, G2=106). Compared with
the recommendations, PN was started late, its progress was slow and the maximum
glucose, amino acid, lipid and energy supplies were low in both groups.
The initial supply of amino acid and lipid and initial and maximum glucose and
energy were lower in G1. The onset of EN was early (1-2 days), the time to reach
exclusive EN was appropriate (11-15 days) and the use of human milk was possible
in a reasonable amount of time (7-13 days). The multivariate analysis showed
that respiratory distress syndrome and obtaining a supply of 120 kcal/kg/day
too late increased the chance of weight loss greater than 10%. Sepsis, maximum
energy supply for PN