hey guys! I'm Nilubon Sangsa-ard you can call me Fon today I will tell you about my self. First I will tell you about my studies. I'm finish primary school education at Watyuod school and finish high school at Thawungwittayakarn school. now I'm a sophomore major English Education at Thepsatri Rajabhat University. University life is awesome. It have freedom,fun,self-determination. but something different. It not have close to your family. Only once or twice, once in a while, to get back to your family. And money sometime no money sometime have money. Happy sad happy sad. hahaha okay and next I will tell you about my all favorite. Start from color. I like 2 color red and blue. Blue like a blue rose. Red like a sport car. Do you like it? hahaha. Okay next is food my favorite food is Namprik-ong. It made from pork