For effective security trade control, world-wide cooperation is necessary. Leading countries try to standardize the criteria, but some of our group companies are located in countries with less stringent regulation or without even a regulation. If certain export subject to the leading countries' regulations are conducted from those with less-stringent or no regulation countries, the group as a whole may be accused of using those countries as a loophole of the regulation, even though those exports are legal.
Member states of the international regimes transpose the regimes' decisions into each national law. On the other hand, non-member states establish regulations of their own.
Considering such a circumstance, in order to standardize the criteria, Canon Group Policies that exceed the laws level have been adopted by approval of the Global Legal Affairs Coordinations Committee.
International approval is imperative because of the restrictions that are more than what laws and regulations require.
Canon's technology range and marketing range change rapidly. So does the environment surrounding security trade control. It is accordingly very important to determine how much scope of this "more than laws" should be.