Too Many Patients
Sir, — In a recent Editorial, ‘A Shortage of Doctors’, you wrote, ‘So many
patients attend the out-patients’ clinic of the City Hospital that the doctors
cannot possibly give them all a thorough examination.’
This is not true. A large number of the people in the clinic waiting-room are
not patients. They arc friends and relatives of patients. The average number
of patients who attended the clinic each day in March always a busy month
was 72. There are six doctors on full-time duty at the clinic from 8.30 a.m.
to 5.00 p.m. This means that on an average day each doctor sees only 12
patients. He can usually spend at least 30 minutes with each patient. This
is normally sufficient time for a thorough examination.
The problem at the out-patients’ clinic is not the number of patients who
attend but the number who attend at the same time. Most of the patients like
to come to the clinic in the mornings. This means that they must often wait
2 hours before a doctor can see them. This problem would be solved if
patients who are not seriously ill came to the clinic in the afterno