Far away from the outside world, the teenagers have to give up all the things from their old lives, including body piercings, cigarettes, music, mobile phones, and fashionable clothes. There are a lot of rules to follow and physical activity is very important. They go on long hikes through the mountains, and sleep in tents at night. They discuss their problems with the camp psychologist, who decides when they are ready to go home. The average time is ten weeks.
Ned felt very ill at first, as he couldn’t take drugs any more. It was tough, but i feel better now. I don t feel depressed any more. I’m really looking forward to seeing my family. I'd love to live at home again. He says.
Emily had to take out all of her 18 body piercings. She was stocked by camp life and cried all the time. I hated camp, but i have learnt that every thing i do affects other people. I m sorry I was so horrible to my mum. I hope I can go back to school. I want to be a nurse.
At first Jamie had terrible problems following orders from the camp staff. But then he began to enjoy the outdoor life. He says, it was an incredible experience. I've got more self-control now. I’m going to join the army.
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