there were zealots then who believed that if you understood these sorts of mathematical derivations and used language correctly, then you would be more skillful. They neglected to realize that not only does skill require practice, but skill also requires flexibility,a quality that the mathematical derivations and precision of language do not convey. Imagine taking the seven different ways of multiplying fractions given in the previous section and subjecting each of them to careful mathematical analysis as was done earlier. Few would want to do this.
The mathematical underpinnings range from low-level tasks such as the identification of properties,to medium-level tasks such as the explanation of the significance of a property,to high-level tasks such as proof-writing.It is still the case today that many mathematicians will say that a person does not really understand arithmetic until he or she knows the mathematical underpinnings behind it.many if not most conrses for elementary school mathematics teachers are taught to convey this aspect of understanding.little more is done.