The characteristics and elements of AEC :
A. Single Market and Production Base which shall comprise five core elements as follows:
1. Free flow of goods
2. Free flow of services
3. Free flow of investment
4. Freer flow of capital
5. Free flow of skilled labour.
B. Competitive Economic Region, according to the AEC blueprint:
1. Competition Policy
2. Consumer Protection
3. Intellectual Property Rights
4. Infrastructure
5. Taxation
6. E-Commerce.
C. Equitable Economic Development which shall comprise :
1SME Development
2. Initiative for ASEAN Integration
D. Integration into the Global Economy comprising
1. Cooperative Approach towards External Economic Relations
2. Enhance Participation in Global Supply Networks.
There is also an Implementation part in the Blueprint comprising:
A.Implementation Mechanism B.Resources C.Communications D.Review
In each core element there are details of introduction and action plans many of which
have timelines. A number of actions have already started and some have completed,
but most are underway and have to be ready by 2015.