The inherent advantages of the multilevel inverters are already reported [1]-[2].
Multilevel inverters are having distinct advantage when used in induction motor drives.
The interface of dc bus to ac side requires high performance indices with no harmonic injection within the power quality norms[9].
The wave form quality and the harmonic content are the major issues with attainable fundamental rms output voltage.
The conventional SPWM (Sinusoidal Pluse Width Modulation) with the in phase disposition (PD) carriers are used for the multilevel inverters [6].
This can be further improved to get more dc bus utilization by injecting a zero sequence signal in modulation signal like SVPWM (Carrier base Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation) [9], DPWM1 (Depenbrock's Discontinuous Pluse Width Modulation) [4][7][10] and DPWM3 [7][10].
Multicarrier multilevel inverters and some new modulation techniques are presented, focusing on the performance parameters of inverter like THD, dc bus utilization and switching losses [9]-[14].