TABLE1 Elements of SFBT interviewing
1. Language: reflects the idea that problems and solutions are subject to
perceptions and open to change.
2. Problem-free talk: enquiries about areas of the person’s life that illustrate
competence and strength.
3. Exceptions: curiosity about times the problem is absent, coped with or less
4. Goals: detailed, specific, realistic, observable goals are elicited from the client.
5. Hypothetical future: The client’s vision of their preferred future is elicited in a
variety of ways. De Shazer (1988) designed the miracle question for this
purpose. ‘Suppose that one night when you were asleep there was a miracle
and this problem was solved. The miracle occurs while you are sleeping, so you
do not immediately know that it has happened. When you wake up what are
the first things you will notice that will let you know there has been a miracle?’
6. Rating scales: the client is asked to position him/herself on a scale where one
represents the worst things have ever been and ten represents the best things
could be. Questions are asked about how they got that far, what is preventing
them from dropping down the scale, how they would know that they had
reached a slightly higher point on the scale and to visualize this. Variations on
this theme are used.
7. Tasks and compliments: The therapist may take a break to formulate.
Compliments are observations of exceptions, strengths, resources and