5.1.2 CTSIB
Median degrees of sway in condition 2 and 5 decreased significantly in both groups. Visual infromation was not available in both conditions and an inaccurate somatosensory information was presented in condition 5. Vestibular information therefore, played an important role in both conditions, especially in condition 5. Prior to an exercise, our subjects seemed to rely heavily on visual information as the sway increased when visual information was eliminated or distorted as in condition 2, 5, and 6. Moreover, they swayed more in the conditions that required more weight on the vestibular information. The results agreed with previous studies that elderly people increased emphasis upon vision to compensate for degradation of other sensory inputs and central processing. Most elderly have vestibular hypofunction resulting in their limited ability to alter the use of available sensory cues when stimulus condition changed. After the exercise, our subjects may re-weight the sensory information, possibly more on vestibular information, led to less sway in condition 2 and 5.This agreed with Allison and associates that the fall prone elders did not have re-weighting deficit so the exercise program aiming to reduce fall risk could use this intact mechanism to improve balance. It was worth noting that the subjects who received eye-head coordination exercise also swayed significantly less in condition 6 and had minimal degree of sway in all conditions compared to the other group. This may imply that the additional eye-head coordination exercise improves the ability to use vestibular information by inducing the vestibular adaptation. However, the median degree of sway did not show statistically significant difference between group. It could be that we subjective rated the degree of sway as minimal, mild, moderate, and falls based on visual observation. It would be more accurate if we could measure the sway path quantitatively.
5.1.2 CTSIB Median degrees of sway in condition 2 and 5 decreased significantly in both groups. Visual infromation was not available in both conditions and an inaccurate somatosensory information was presented in condition 5. Vestibular information therefore, played an important role in both conditions, especially in condition 5. Prior to an exercise, our subjects seemed to rely heavily on visual information as the sway increased when visual information was eliminated or distorted as in condition 2, 5, and 6. Moreover, they swayed more in the conditions that required more weight on the vestibular information. The results agreed with previous studies that elderly people increased emphasis upon vision to compensate for degradation of other sensory inputs and central processing. Most elderly have vestibular hypofunction resulting in their limited ability to alter the use of available sensory cues when stimulus condition changed. After the exercise, our subjects may re-weight the sensory information, possibly more on vestibular information, led to less sway in condition 2 and 5.This agreed with Allison and associates that the fall prone elders did not have re-weighting deficit so the exercise program aiming to reduce fall risk could use this intact mechanism to improve balance. It was worth noting that the subjects who received eye-head coordination exercise also swayed significantly less in condition 6 and had minimal degree of sway in all conditions compared to the other group. This may imply that the additional eye-head coordination exercise improves the ability to use vestibular information by inducing the vestibular adaptation. However, the median degree of sway did not show statistically significant difference between group. It could be that we subjective rated the degree of sway as minimal, mild, moderate, and falls based on visual observation. It would be more accurate if we could measure the sway path quantitatively.
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