0:00blood pressure or BP is the pressure exerted by the flow of blood
0:04on the walls of the arteries it is determined by the force
0:08in amount of blood pumped by the heart and by the diameter of the arteries
0:12it consists of two components: systolic pressure
0:16and diastolic pressure these are normally 120
0:19and 80 milligrams of mercury respectively when the blood pressure
0:23exceeds these values
0:24it leads to a condition called high blood pressure or
0:28hypertension there are two types of hypertension
0:31primary and secondary hypertension primary hypertension
0:35is hypertension without a specific identifiable cause
0:39secondary hypertension is elevated blood pressure that results from an underlying
0:44identifiable often correctable cause only about five to ten percent of
0:50hypertension cases
0:51are thought to result from secondary causes the most common causes of
0:55secondary hypertension or kidney disease
0:58adrenal gland disease narrowing of the aorta
1:01and sleep apnea hypertension frequently causes few or no symptoms
1:06therefore regular blood pressure checks should be done to diagnose hypertension
1:10when symptoms occur the most common symptoms are headaches
1:14dizziness and blurred vision in severe cases
1:17confusion and coma are possible blood pressure is usually measured with a
1:22small portable
1:23instrument called a blood pressure cuff or those big mama na matter
1:26the blood pressure cuff consists of an air pump pressure gauge
1:30and rubber cuff the instrument measures the blood pressure in units called
1:35millimeters of mercury
1:36or mm HG a blood pressure reading up 120
1:40over 80 milligrams of mercury is considered normal
1:43whereas a blood pressure of 140 over 90 milligrams of mercury
1:48or higher is considered high blood pressure or hypertension
1:52hypertension can be managed by changes in lifestyle
1:55such as by quitting smoking eating a diet lower in cholesterol in Salt
2:00getting regular exercise and by taking antihypertensive drugs
2:04such as beta-blockers or other antihypertensive medications