We want to let you know that your item has been shipped! You should receive your package very soon!
When you receive your item, please take a moment to verify that it was not damaged in transit. We want your experience to be the best it can possibly be! Our company values put the customer first. We will not stop until you are happy, so if there is anything we can do for you, please let us know!
In the meantime. Here are a few starter tips on using your Le Fair product right away.
Follow the Suggested Use: Make sure you follow the suggested use on your bottle.
Eat a Nourishing Diet: Eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats including nuts and avocados, and healthy proteins including fish and chicken or tofu, which will help your complexion, skin, and overall health.
Stay Hydrated: Drink 8 or more glasses of water or fluids per day. This will help flush toxins and help the good organisms throughout your body and skin.
Exercise: This improves circulation, flexibility and will help give you the "glow" we are all looking for.
We are a small but growing health company focused on stomping out the "price cutting tactics" and "cheap alternatives" that plague the health industry. We will never settle for that, and you shouldn't either! We believe in only the highest quality, pure, ingredients made in the U.S.A. It is so important for you to have the very best in ingredients! This is what sets us apart, and for you to purchase one of our products, gives us validation that you think the same way as we do! So for that, we thank you!!!