Collection and Preparation of Soil Sample: In systematic
species for example B. thuringiensis and B. sphaericus screening program for isolation of bacteria 10 soil samples
term a solid protein crystal, the paraporal body next were collected at different location within Birnin Kebbi
to their endospores during spore formation. The metropolis were collected from upper layer where most of
B. thuringiensis parasporal body contain protein toxin the microbial activity take place and thus where most of
that kill over species of moths by dissolving in the the bacteria population is concentrated. Soil samples
alkaline gut of caterpillars and destroying the epithelium. (approximately 5g) were collected using some clean dry
The B. sphaericus parasporal body contains protein toxic and sterile polythene bag along with sterile spatula. 1g of
for mosquito larvae and may be useful in controlling the the soil samples were dissolved in 10ml of water to make
mosquito that carry macana [4]. soil suspensions