Brief Steps to Publish Geospatial data - A case study of SHAPEFILE
1. Open Geoserver webapps using link http://localhost:808X/geoserver/web/ (X is 0,2 or 4)
2. Create Workspace named into your STDID like 55xxxxxxx (one time)
3. Create Data Store depends on your data type, for this case, we are using shape file then in the Store page, select ERSI/shapefile. Follow the instructions in the page, don't forget to declare SRS and calculate the BBOX.
4. After you created the Store, geoserver will forward you to the Layers page, create and publish the layer. Follow the instructions in the page, don't forget to declare SRS and calculate the BBOX.
5. Test your published data by clicking the "OpenLayers" menu at the end of the line of your data in Layers Preview page.
6. Enjoy!