4.Sometimes it is not always possible to find out all this information before the lecture so you need to try to be adaptable。 For example I was expecting to lecture tos0-70 people with a great deal of knowledge、 and due to bad weather six total beginners turned up。 It was a much more informal group than I had prepared for so started by asking them what they expected、 what they knew、 preconceptions and ideas they may have。 5.Research- The better prepared you are for your speech or lecture、 the better the speech will be。 It is better to be over prepared than under。 When I first started I wrote everything down that wanted to say、 including jokes and quips。 Many people say this is bad practice but ifyou are able to read it" naturally" then you can get away with this in the early stages。 Only very experienced lecturers and public speakers can tall without notes。 The form of these notes will be personal to you、 and you should to feel pressured to use a particular method。