18.3% of 2nd grade students, 20% of 4th grade
students and 45% of 6th grade students reported having
suffered from recurrent or continuous back pain at some
time, since the beginning of their primary school.
Back pain was reported with about the same
frequency for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.
Only 16.7% of 2nd grade students, 15% of 4th grade
students and 23.3% of 6th grade students experienced
back pain in the sitting position while at school and
more frequently at the end of the school day. A mere
8.3% of the 2nd graders, 10% of 4th graders and 15%
of 6th graders experienced leg pain while working in the
sitting position at school. However, the percentage of
reported back and leg pain increases as age increases.