In this occasion, the writer will investigate the script from a movie.
The writer makes decision to discuss the utterance or the sentences that used
with one of linguistics study, speech act. Austin (1975) says that an analysis
of an utterance that we perform/ produce at every speech called as speech act.
It is an act that a speaker performs at making speech. Speech act perform
when people makes utterance such as an apology, greeting, request,
complaint, invitation, compliment, or refusal. Studying speech act is
important to make us comprehend what message that undiscovered in every
utterance. Speech act also decided by the language ability of speaker to
convey the message in communication. According to Parker (1986:16) speech
acts are highly delicate to the context of the utterances in particular to the
relationship between the speaker and the hearer. We can study this speech act
at many fields of studies that concern about this issue such as pragmatics and
sociolinguistics, although in different point of discussion.