Air dehumidification by using CaCl2 desiccant solution in a
cross-flow liquid desiccant dehumidifier is studied by proposing
a simple analytical model. The developed analytical model
shows an excellent agreement with the available experimental
data from Moon et al. [17]. Thus, for a detailed study of the
absorption process, this model gives accurate performance prediction,
minimizing the use of calculation and assumptions.
Operating variables found to have the greatest impact on the
dehumidifier performance. The following conclusions from
the analytical results can be summarized: The moisture removal
rate is decreased with increasing both air inlet temperature
and desiccant temperature while increases with increasing
ma/ms, X1, and ya1. The dehumidifier effectiveness increases
with the increase of Ts1, while it decreases with the increase
of Ta1 and ma/ms. Increasing Ta1, Ts1, and ya1 results in higher
ya2, however, low exit humidity ratio is obtained at lower inlet
desiccant concentration. The exit desiccant solution concentration
remains unaffected by changing different operating parameters
except X1.