2. Korean Shamanism, Fortune Telling, Exorcism, and Fate Related Content Op 1BB Shamanism has been deeply rooted in Korean society for thousands of years and has provided wisdom to Korean mothers and grandmothers, formiag an inte- gral part of their lives. Shamanism considers the present life and the time after death to be connected, and so rather than there being a division between birth to death and beyond, existence is all one continuous experience. Therefore Koreans believed that diseases or disasters happened because the ones affected did not serve their ancestors well, or they considered problems to be the work of ghosts and thus tried to solve such problems by communicating with the ghosts through a female shaman. In this chapter we examine how the ideas of shaman- ism have affected the daily lives of Koreans. The Korean traditional religion, shamanism, is said to have Cultural Phenomenon begun with the beginning of mankind along with the legendary "Three Founders" of Korea. Shamanism has thus been deeply rooted in Korean society for thousands of years. Shamans believe that all things have life and that other lives can survive because of the existence of others, and that only life can create other lives. and for these reasons everything should exist in harmony.